Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A surprise for me!

OK, yes I am bragging and tooting my own horn.  I went to a training this weekend for Zumba Toning.  It's pretty intense. 8 hours of working out, which admittedly doesn't always feel like your "working" out and other times its like can we stop now? included with class time and thinking.  by hour 7 my feet hurt, too much impact for them, and my knee hurt, where I have small tear in a ligament.  They are both still kind of sore, especially my knee.  I wear a brace during workouts to help protect and remind me to be careful. I took it off half way because it got  sweaty and hot... dumb dumb dumb...all I can say. 3 days later, its' still nagging me.
So wearing the body media device you get a pretty good idea of what  your doing.  I had just short of 4000 calories burned that day. Isn't that awesome? BUT the best part, is I weighed this morning, and I'm at my lowest weight in 4 1/2 years.  Woot woot! I'm so excited.  I finally broke through a plateau I've been stuck at, gaining and losing but never going below that one number. Yippee  yes I said it, Yippee!

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