I'm currently working on increasing my endurance despite low iron levels. This past week I've attended at least 2 classes a day either 2 Zumba's, or Zumba and power yoga. I was doing well until I hit Thursday. I was so burned out, that I spent a couple hours working on new choreography for my Zumba gold class and thinking about what I was going to do for the Active older adult (AOA) class I was subbing on Saturday morning. But I wasn't able to handle and actual class outside of home. I did find on average that the Zumba classes I've been attending are about 6000 steps on average for a 50 -60 minute class. My own is usually about this much as well.
In May I will be teaching a Zumba Gold class back to back with an Enhance fitness class (fitness for seniors) and I want to make sure I have the energy for it. The first part of the Enhance class is 30 minutes of warm up, and cardio, so its quite important to be able to handle those parts together. That is followed with weightlifting exercises and stretching to end the class. I'm looking forward to teaching this new class at the Y. It will be 3 times a week and I will be sharing with another instructor.
Subbing this past Saturday went quite well. You never know in that situation whether students will be OK with a sub, so it can be a bit nerve wracking going in. Instead of trying to duplicate the class of another instructor, I went in with my own format, including my favorite piece of workout gear the stability ball. I love this piece of equipment for all levels of fitness. When I'm working with clients who are rehabbing I feel they may relate and feel comfortable from experience in physical therapy exercises.
The teens and dance students I work with feel the playfulness of it, and for seniors its a great way to work the core and balance along with offering them a less traditional equipment which can often seem overwhelming. I actually had a couple students ask if I teach any other classes there on Saturdays. Unfortunately for them I don't. 2 glorious days of sunshine have occurred this weekend. After days and days of grey and rain its so lovely.
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