Yesterday, I almost made it to 8000. I was actually 7600 something. This was after I cleaned the house before leaving to teach a small group fitness class, went for walk, did some Zumba, went to an event where I spent 2 hours walking around. Then headed to late night dinner with a couple girl friends. Leaving at 9 :45 and getting home at midnight. I was bone tired. Physically just washed out, Surprised that I was able to do as well as I had- (yeah iron shots) but my mind was working too much, so watched TV for 2 hours in bed, and then had to get up and head to work. I had planned on mowing the front yard before I left for work but couldn't drag my tired butt out of the bed. By the time I got home this afternoon it started raining again. I'm so tired of rain.
Regardless I'm pretty psyched. Prior to this I've been getting to just over 6000 steps,. so this was a mile stone.
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